期刊征订 | John Benjamins旗下语言学电子期刊征订(中国官方代理)
我们受John Benjamins出版公司中国代理委托,在语言学通讯平台发布John Benjamins旗下共85种语言学及应用语言学(含翻译研究)学术期刊2020年的征订信息。购买电子权限的用户可在https://www.jbe-platform.com/ 下载订阅期刊的全年期刊论文。期刊目录和报价如下表所示。
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订阅联系人:孙老师 18321711365 (电话同微信)
期刊名 | E-ISSN | 期/年 | 人民币 |
Applied Pragmatics | 2589-1103 | 2 | 820 |
Asian Languages and Linguistics | 2665-9344 | 1 | 724 |
Asia-Pacific Language Variation | 2215-1362 | 2 | 724 |
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics | 1833-7139 | 3 | 724 |
Babel | 1569-9668 | 6 | 820 |
Belgian Journal of Linguistics | 1569-9676 | 1 | 676 |
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter | 1569-9684 | 1 | 772 |
Chinese as a Second Language (漢語教學研究—美國中文教師學會學報) | 2451-8298 | 3 | 824 |
Chinese Language and Discourse | 1877-8798 | 2 | 924 |
Cognitive Linguistic Studies | 2213-8730 | 2 | 724 |
Concentric: Studies in Linguistics | 2589-5230 | 2 | 724 |
Constructions and Frames | 1876-1941 | 2 | 724 |
Diachronica | 1569-9714 | 4 | 724 |
English Text Construction | 1874-8775 | 2 | 724 |
English World-Wide | 1569-9730 | 3 | 820 |
Evolutionary Linguistic Theory | 2589-1596 | 2 | 628 |
FORUM | 2451-909X | 2 | 628 |
Functions of Language | 1569-9765 | 3 | 724 |
Gesture | 1569-9773 | 3 | 878 |
Historiographia Linguistica | 1569-9781 | 3 | 868 |
Information Design Journal | 1569-979X | 3 | 772 |
Interaction Studies | 1572-0381 | 3 | 820 |
Interactional Linguistics | 2666-4232 | 2 | 628 |
International Journal of Chinese Linguistics | 2213-8714 | 2 | 724 |
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics | 1569-9811 | 4 | 868 |
International Journal of Language and Culture | 2214-3165 | 2 | 924 |
International Journal of Learner Corpus Research | 2215-1486 | 2 | 772 |
Internet Pragmatics | 2542-386X | 2 | 628 |
Interpreting | 1569-982X | 2 | 772 |
ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics | 1783-1490 | 2 | 724 |
Journal of Argumentation in Context | 2211-4750 | 3 | 820 |
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication | 1569-9838 | 2 | 772 |
Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes | 2590-1001 | 2 | 724 |
Journal of Historical Linguistics | 2210-2124 | 3 | 728 |
Journal of Historical Pragmatics | 1569-9854 | 2 | 724 |
Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education | 2212-8441 | 2 | 724 |
Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict | 2213-1280 | 2 | 628 |
Journal of Language and Politics | 1569-9862 | 6 | 868 |
Journal of Language and Sexuality | 2211-3789 | 2 | 724 |
Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages | 1569-9870 | 2 | 820 |
Journal of Second Language Pronunciation | 2215-194X | 3 | 724 |
Journal of Second Language Studies | 2542-3843 | 2 | 820 |
Language and Dialogue | 2210-4127 | 3 | 824 |
Language and Linguistics | 2309-5067 | 4 | 820 |
Language Ecology | 2452-2147 | 2 | 724 |
Language Problems and Language Planning | 1569-9889 | 3 | 724 |
Language Teaching for Young Learners | 2589-207X | 2 | 724 |
Language, Context and Text | 2589-7241 | 2 | 724 |
Language, Culture and Society | 2543-3156 | 2 | 820 |
Language, Interaction and Acquisition | 1879-7873 | 2 | 676 |
Languages in Contrast | 1569-9897 | 2 | 724 |
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism | 1879-9272 | 6 | 728 |
Linguistic Landscape | 2214-9961 | 3 | 824 |
Linguistic Variation | 2211-6842 | 2 | 724 |
Linguistics in the Netherlands | 1569-9919 | 1 | 676 |
Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area | 2214-5907 | 2 | 724 |
Lingvisticæ Investigationes | 1569-9927 | 2 | 868 |
Metaphor and the Social World | 2210-4097 | 2 | 724 |
Narrative Inquiry | 1569-9935 | 2 | 820 |
NOWELE | 2212-9715 | 2 | 680 |
Pedagogical Linguistics | 2665-959X | 2 | 724 |
Pragmatics | 2406-4238 | 4 | 868 |
Pragmatics & Cognition | 1569-9943 | 3 | 820 |
Pragmatics and Society | 1878-9722 | 4 | 632 |
Register Studies | 2542-9485 | 2 | 724 |
Reinardus | 1569-9951 | 1 | 724 |
Review of Cognitive Linguistics | 1877-976X | 2 | 724 |
Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics | 2254-6774 | 2 | 724 |
Revue Romane | 1600-0811 | 2 | 724 |
Scientific Study of Literature | 2210-4380 | 2 | 724 |
Sign Language & Linguistics | 1569-996X | 2 | 724 |
Spanish in Context | 1571-0726 | 3 | 820 |
Studies in Language | 1569-9978 | 4 | 964 |
Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education | 2405-5530 | 2 | 724 |
Target | 1569-9986 | 3 | 820 |
TASK | 2666-1756 | 2 | 724 |
Terminology | 1569-9994 | 2 | 724 |
The Agenda Setting Journal | 2452-0071 | 2 | 828 |
The Journal of Internationalization and Localization | 2032-6912 | 2 | 928 |
The Mental Lexicon | 1871-1375 | 3 | 724 |
Translation and Interpreting Studies | 1876-2700 | 3 | 728 |
Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts | 2352-1813 | 3 | 728 |
Translation Spaces | 2211-372X | 2 | 728 |
Translation, Cognition & Behavior | 2542-5285 | 2 | 628 |
Written Language & Literacy | 1570-6001 | 2 | 724 |